on Monday, August 27, 2007
exams are over. i don't know if i should add in the word "finally". cause it seems that i've got nothing to do now. not nothing as in nothing, but nothing as in aimless. maybe i should start reading again. any good recommendations anyone?
and i think i have been a glutton lately. late night supper during the exam period. and now its all the junk food. at least for today, i had 5 meals. first was breakfast, then went over to my tutee's place and her mom gave me food again. went home for lunch, went out after that, had tea break and dinner. i really did ate a lot for dinner.
the funniest part for dinner was that we went to this chinese resturant which specialised in ducks and there was these 3 ang mo sitting behind our table. usually for chinese, we will order a duck and a few other dishes to share right? but the ang mo each ordered a duck. i don't know how big is the proportion, but it was a lot of one person lah. and they were like "er.. is it really supposed to be like that?"
my godma spotted it and told us. we started to speak in hokkien since we thought they might understand chinese. and guess what, they looked at us with that "well, i can sort of understand what you're talking abt" look. after the meal, my dad asked us in hokkien if they finished all their food (my dad was sitting back facing them, and i was directly facing them). i guess he spoke a bit too loud. one of the ang mo ladies looked at me and smiled! and the same lady smiled and nodded her head a me when we were leaving!!!
they really understood what we were saying. its like OMGGG.
there was also this air stewardess at the resturant.. talking to her boyfriend i supposed. it was about her clients and the tips they received. something like asking for $400.. hoping to get around $250 but got $300 instead. i didn't know air stewardness receives tips.. do they?
hokkaido ice cream is really good ((:
i recommend durian and chocolate.
oooo SOLID.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
12:24 AM <3
on Saturday, August 18, 2007
went out with koky ytd and we caught license to wed. the show was not bad. just that the plot seems to be moving in quite a fast pace. at first the couple still have got 3 weeks to wed, and POOF, they're going to get married the next day.
i like their wedding ring.
haha. it was supposed to be "never to part". but his wife found it interesting so yea. they kept their "never to fart".
koky wants me to blog this:
i dropped my fork on my WHITE FABRIC BAG while eating. so it has a black mark now. i'm going to throw it into the washing machine soon. it looks horrible. jian bu de guan lah. he had such a good time laughing at my dumb-ness. i'm so not dumb. that was a PURE accident.
went to starhub to get my phone with daddy today. and yes, it is finally in mua hands now. hohoho. it should be on display in shops next month. i'm giving it a full charge now and i will be able to use it tml.. as for mine old phone, i love it too much to sell it away. so i'm going to send it for servicing and keep it nicely in my cupboard. who knows, i might be swopping phones. moreover my cyber shot phone is not even a year old.
got curlers too. i tried it out just now and found that i looked kinda funny. haha. seems mature to me, but my mommy said it looks okay. and to the dads, we're always the vainpots. what can girls do excpet being vain right. lol.
mommy got her new vacuum cleaner. or rather i got a new vacuum cleaner since i'm always the one doing the vacuuming. seriously, i rather do the laundry. its so much easier. just throw everything into the washing machine, do the settings and wait for it to be done. and after the washing machine BEEP, just hang out the clothes and iron it once its all dried.
daddy got his alarm clock. his old one went crazy. it was like ringing every 1 hour. and i'm so in love with his ball point parker pen. its so so so smooth and not very heavy too. but he refuse to give it to me. SOBS. he told me to take the fountain one instead cause he has a few fountain pens. but i have been smurgding fountain pens all over fingers since i was young.
i shall go get one myself then. a cheap and cute one. and i will show my dad that MINE parker pen is nicer than his.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:47 PM <3
on Wednesday, August 15, 2007
i SHOULD be studying now for tml's fom paper. but apparently i can't.
this is not a simple issue of motivation. first, you'll memorising the ever loading information. and next, you'll realise you forgot abt the information in the previous lecture notes. okay, so you go back to the previous lecture notes and study again, hoping to recall and remember something else. and now you have an impression of what was in the previous notes. good right.. WRONG. you'll only start to get confused over the information.
for example, what are the 5 characteristics of a good objective and goals with the characteristics of a good mission statement. - right suhui?
if fom is something literal, i will definitely encourage it to commit suicide. i'm not being a saddist here. but seriously, it is so horrible and fearful.. why not just kill itself to save the rest of us right.
yes, and that is what fom should do.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:08 PM <3
i like terry's logic.
nyp = not yet pass.
sp = sure pass.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
2:13 AM <3
on Sunday, August 12, 2007
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:46 PM <3
on Thursday, August 09, 2007
dinner with unitians yesterday!
the atmosphere was great. there was a life band and we kept hearing birthday songs. the birthday songs were alright.. but the other songs the life band sang, *ahem*. i've got no comments on that. lol.
the food was alright. still prefer manhattan's garlic rice and prawn. YUM YUM.
the girls had ballons! and i'm proud to say mine is the largest of all. AHAHAHAHA. there is a heart, with a "stick" for me to hold and a bear on the "stick". it looks so sweet! suhui's giraffe looks.. well ARTISTIC. and they called yelyn's ladybug a ball of cells. LOL. mark's snail looks fabulous.
our bill turned out to be a whooping $387.45.
we took lots of photos. and i'm waiting for suhui to send it to me ^^
we had L-O-V-E.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:59 PM <3
on Monday, August 06, 2007
this IS singapore by the year 2030.

looks crazy huh?
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:36 PM <3
on Saturday, August 04, 2007
its 2.24am. and i dunno what to do. sobs.. i'm so bored.
my wireless isn't working. and i'm tapping in other's wireless. terry is laughing off his ass because of this stupid thing. at least i'm better than him. he cant even tap in other's wireless. he doesn't even need the wireless to do his work, yet he DIE DIE also want to tap in to nudge suhui.
horrible terry.
and he is calling those people who kindly on the router for him to tap IDIOTS. LoL.
he finally gave up. this is so entertaining. i need this sort of entertainment right now.
okays, and he is on to laugh at suhui now.
terry, stop tapping into other people's wireless. it won't do you any good tapping lah. you'll only be disturbing others online. HAHAHAHA.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
2:24 AM <3
never ever stay in a block which has a coffee shop. the noise will only be unbearable and it will only make you pissed + fustrated + irritated.
i don't know if it is the same for all coffee shops, but the particular coffee shop at my blk has lots of typical ah bengs. not those young and ignorant ones please. those OLD and WRINKLED ones. i seriously can't believe it. at the age of late 30s to 50s and even 60s, shouldn't these people be more matured and think what should they start to do rather than camping at the coffee shop day and night, drink, smoke and make hell lot of noise.
this is really really making me very very very angry.
i don't bother if they drink and smoke. like who cares. they are not related to me anyway. but they are producing a lot of noise pollution. this is Singapore, whereby neighbourhoods are dead quiet at night. people are resting. the only place busting with live is probably clark quay. so if they jolly well want to drink, then go there. i think its high time they check their passport to make sure that they are not in hong kong.
sickening brainless people.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
12:15 AM <3