on Sunday, February 25, 2007
ok. i've FINALLY updated all my links+
i wanted to change my blogskin as well (its like so old already) but yea, i'm lazy.
i suddenly remembered a birthday party i attended 2 years ago. the birthday boy was only 4 years old then. his dad asked him to make a birthday wish before blowing out the candles. he made a wish and his dad asked him wat was his wish. his wish was to eat chicken wing everyday. everybody laughed. it was cute. but beneath all these.. it shows how simple minded he is.. how innocent and how easily contented he can be.
but things dun always remain that way. human get more cunning and harder to please when they get older.
i dunno. but perhaps that is human nature.
anybody ever saw those drama or movies where couples get married in a very classic church.. those totally white ones with a high celling and red carpet.. so nice right. those church are like extinct in singapore.. except for the one in city hall. i wonder if its those classic type. if it is, i want my wedding ceremony to be held there!
it will be so sweet ((:
gosh. i dunno why am i thinking about marriage. must be those dramas. hahas. too many dramas...
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:23 PM <3
on Monday, February 19, 2007
chinese new year. nothing very special though. its kind of the same every year except that we had a reunion dinner with the people on friday night.

i love them. seriously gonna miss them when we go our separate ways.
seriously, we should come out with like a meeting on the last fri/sat every one/two months. gather for a meal.. do some chit chat. that would be nice.
reunion dinner with family.. as usual, too much food. can't finish. this happens like every year. mom's never really do learn the mistake of preparing too much food do they. lol.
first day:BAI NIAN BAI NIAN.
first to gong gong then go daddy and mommy.
BIG NEWS. I LOST A DIAMOND NECKLACE. please, it is a real diamond. ARG. whatever. i found this chain without any pendant. at first i though it was some chain which i bought from bits and pieces type of shop.. but when i place it next to my white gold bracklet. viola! its as shiny and the colour is as good. wtf. is a white gold necklace without the diamond. perfect. whatever. i wore some sliver in the end.
godma and godpa came over.. then i went to godpa's dad's place to bai nian.. a few uncles and aunties were there. some super active kids. lol. really cute but they seriously can't sit still.
next was godma's dad. a lot of other people were there.. including janice jiejie. she's getting married and moving to germany. a 18 hour flight if i were to visit her. my butt is seriously gonna get burnt..
after that.. we went over to my aunt's place. saw some of my cousins.. as usual.. the gamers, the slackers.. oh. and they were blaming me for not asking them to kbox. like how would i know when will those busy men be free. they should be the one dating the lady out okays. anyway, my nephew who is like erm.. 4 or 5 years younger than me is officially taller than me. whatever lor. they made fun of my height again. sobs. :(
stayed over at godma's place.. i was supposed to gamble thru the night. but yea, i ended up babysitting. we played cinderella castle and watching finding nemo ((: yes. a primary one girl with lots of actions. she really cute lah. big eyes, fair complexion.. and she really knows how to sha jiao. she even has suiters from the international school she is studying in china. (her dad works there)
second day:went for even more house visitings. somehow.. i dun really such visitings. the people are nice people. jus that we see each other like once a year. i dun really know wat to talk to them about. jus sit there and watch tv. its kinda boring. but somehow its a different thing with my own cousins and nephews. lots of crap and teasing.
some people love such gatherings, some people dislike it. some even go on holiday to escape it. i guess it depends who am i with during such gatherings. some i do love it.. as for others.. hurhur.. you guys know wat i mean.
as for tml.. my house is gonna be flooded with cousins, nephews and a few nieces.. my clique.. the kind of people i feel totally comfortable with ((: LOVES.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
11:22 PM <3
on Wednesday, February 14, 2007
a sweet sweet valentine ((:
koky gave me a valentine box..

and it sort of turn from that to...
and from ....


koky's masterpiece ((: there's still one final one.. but that's for me to view only.
an eeyore and a nike jacket inside.. the eeyore is really cute with the huge nose and small body. ahh feel like pinching it now. lol.
movies. shopping. DUCK rice. quack quack..
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:37 PM <3
on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Michelle is cuter right!!EH o it me with my lolipop!!
smoothening your ruffled up hair
12:02 PM <3
on Sunday, February 04, 2007
1. singapore vs thailand 1-1
so far.. the match haven ended.
the boys are obessed with soccer.
2. o level results aren't out yet.. which means it will most probably be out on friday.
i had this real bad dream abt o levels results.
i dreamt that our CT had our results.. and he was going to read out the names who got 18points and below.. AND MY NAME WASN'T MENTION. oh gosh! *faints* i woke up like instantly. so scary can.. and i am still having nightmares over o lvl prac. ARG. that damn thing is like so long ago.
please oh please.. i wanna do well..
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:37 PM <3
on Friday, February 02, 2007
i woke up to see "14 new messages". i was scared out of my wits.. but it was all birthday messages when i read them. thank you so much people ((: so sweet of you guys.
daddy and mummy gave me ang paos ^^. hehehe. money money..
met jolin at the usual bus stop and she gave me one birthday kiss! its normal for us, but the rest of the people were starring at us as though we were aliens. brr...
met suhui and joel.. went to school.
saw the rest and they went to the canteen.
initally i was still wondering why did they come to the canteen when the announcment to go for assembly has been made..
yuan lai..

they bought a HELLO KITTY cake. so cute can. i even had an imaginary candle, had to make 3 wishes with the imaginary candle and blow the imaginary candle out. thank you guys..
the hello kitty seriously tasted like a paper with sugar.
my class did the lantern thing today.. the pig doesn't really look like a pig. its too square-ish.. and not fat enough. but the most hilarious part is our moment of realisation.. we kept thinking that a lantern has to be a lantern, one with candles - the one which we use on lantern festival. we totally forgot that a chinese new yr lantern is the one made out of ang paos. yah.. but what done is done. so yea.. hope it really turns out to look like a PIG. lol.
met koky after school.. we went to makan makan.. and i had to go back to school for the bbq and campfire.
but when i reached school, GRASP! they already started the mass dance and fun dance. ahh!!! i hate to spot my OG from the crowd. thank god i found angela..
the bbq.. hmm.. it wasn't very sucessful. we thought our charcol was hot when it was actually burning at the bottom.. some of them decided to burn paper - pionner jc fulscap paper - to lit up the charcol. in the end we had ashes in our bbq tray ((:

OG 24
a lot of people didn't come though. people like cristal. RAH. wanna strangle her.
kah hwee isn't in our OG as well. he jus happned to be in the photo.
FDFC! - jolin, suhui.. wahahahhahaha.
we had a charcol war.. running around smearing people's face with charcol. wahahhaha. evil right. but we were the nice people lor. some got chilli sauce and many more. suhui's face was like super black. poor angela was grabbed and had her face painted on. i was like attacked by 3 people at one go.. Qi lu, angela and suhui if i'm not wrong. sobs.. 3 against one. no fair! the running was indeed a good work out.
camp fire was nice.. the fire came down from the third story. and BOOM. you see fire.
i took the video.. but it wasn't very clear. so yea, that's why i didn't upload it.
oh and i also took the video of the gay dance. muahahaha. those who want it can come get it from me too. it was initally a pole dance.. but a guy had to be the pole so we decided to have a gay dance instead. so sexy lor.
lots of photos taken, but all with jolin. ahh! woman you better send them to me quick.
after the campfire, we (suhui, jolin, Qu Lu, jing xiang and hui jie) went to lot1's mac.. to meet UNITIANS. ohh.. i miss them so much. gel, yelyn, daniel, aaron, mel, mark.. yelyn and mel lied that they wanted to go get somethi for redcross and came back with another cake..

i had a candle this time.
thank you ((: the cake tasted good.
as for Qi Lu, jing xiang and hui jie.. my apologise.. sorry for keeping you guys waiting. anyway, the cab fare was so worth it lor.
thank you for all those who remembered and wished me happy birthday.
you guys brought lots of smiles into my life ((:
smoothening your ruffled up hair
11:57 PM <3
on Thursday, February 01, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KOKY PENG PENG ((:well, you are offically TWENTY. are you proud of yourself.. old hero?
we went to sweasons to celebrate.
ordered some walnut bread thingy..

dun look very nice.. but it tasted quite all right. hahas.
i had fish and chip as the main course and koky has his all time favourite.
curry chicken baked rice.

koky and his ice cream. the one you get on your birthday at sweasons. it was meant to be a surprise for him. but.. i had to produce his identification and stuffs. so ma fan.. in the end, before the ice cream even arrived. he knew wat was going on. ARG.

us. he did a face while i smiled.

both of us agreed to smile in this picture. BUT he did some funny stuffs. and that was my reaction while he quickly smiled normally again. AHH!
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:55 PM <3