on Friday, October 27, 2006
ok, i know i'm kinda retard to notice this now, but... i realised my monitor actually still works when i off the main swtich! fansinating huh? please tell me it is. coz there's no other adapter or anythi. its jus one plain wire all the way from the main switch to the monitor.
its energy saving ok. lol. ok, i'm trying to act dumb again.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:53 AM <3
on Monday, October 23, 2006
try pronouncing black pearl and black pig in chinese.
they'll both sound the same.
hei zhu.
yet, the difference is GREAT.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:21 PM <3
on Tuesday, October 17, 2006
ideally perfect.
someone please tell me wat the hell is wrong with me.
eating, sleeping and shopping isn't giving a sense of satisfaction anymore! (it used to giv me lots of satisfaction)
damn it.
nothi went right today.
my bench was bloody wet, and naturally, my paper got wet as hell.
hell, next, i spilt ethanol on my paper.
thank god it was ethanol, imagine how long it will take to evaporate if it was water or salt solution.
and.. hais.
best of all, i left the farking last page blank.
worth 10 marks ok.
and is not as if i'm at all confident of the previous answers.
they'll all rubbish.
kill me please.
and that bloody haze is thinning the air so much.
i found so difficult to breath on my way to school.
and it was freaking warm.
thanks for the air pollution and heat.
stupid indonesians.
wat's the use of burning and burning the land.
it does nothing but contribute to global warming, carbon monoxide and dust.
and please, carbon monoxide is bad for our body.
it combines with hameglobin more readliy then oxygen.
this deprives our body of oxgen.
and burning jus increases infertility
how to grow this on a chao ta land?
the essential minerals are GONE.
burning year after year.
don't they ever realise their mistakes?
jus think, even if they can grow new crops, they're effecting the enviroment and other people's health.
self-centered, brainless.
graduation day was on 13th fri.
yes, black friday.
and anyway, there isn't graduation night anymore.
and we didn't get to wear the graduation clothes with that hat.
it was touching.
mel cried before we even entered the hall.
and sx was right.. you see chain reaction.
some photos.

val and me. alamak so blur.

oh gosh. we took so many photos to get this perfect one.

me, yixi and nana.
gosh. i think i am having a serious case of hair loss.
my fringe is thinning so much!

me, jo and yixi

suhui and me

sheng xun and me.

haha i was tip-toeing.

2/6'04 rock the world.

mel and mich.

oii. cow, smile lehs.

the bear and me.

ester and i. jus compare the size of our eyes.

miss lim, mel and i.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
3:52 PM <3
on Tuesday, October 03, 2006
a baby barely 3 mths old.
he is here for barely a month.
he is such an adorable fellow
i'll miss that naughty boy who loves biting people's finger.
that naughty boy who loves rolling round..
who sleeps on the floor instead of his blankie.
that fun and laughter in our life, even if it was for a short period of time.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
5:17 PM <3