on Thursday, August 31, 2006
ahh.. i dunno how to describe today's celebration as a matter of fact.
performance was kinda screwed.
the powerpoint presentation didn't appear, the curtians weren't open when the music started, and the audience couldn't hear our singing.
anyway, i went to meet my primary school peeps after school.
ay, sw, ky, qjj and warren.
it was such a nice plan.
i mett them, and we ended up playing pool at lot1.
saw lots of pple (as in, those from sec school).
lol. pool was fun.
a lot of laughter.
pw and py came down.
we did sommethi horrible lame.
we took the train to jurong and back to woodlands again to meet zigui.
lame, but yea, it was fun.
ky is the monkey chan.
forever doing stuns and toking cock.
went to mos.
all of us were so dead while zg was continuously yaking away =/
chatty ass. lol.
miss those good old days.
block catching, talk cock.
aw.. those were the best ((:
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:56 PM <3
on Sunday, August 27, 2006
This is me:D
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:13 PM <3
on Saturday, August 26, 2006
i wanna announce somethi. the previous was done by koky.
i know nothi abt it.
you love my ugly photos. don't you? ((:
and as a reward for him.
i did this.

such a blur face. wahahhahaha.

koky.. dun act cute lah. =x
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:34 AM <3

i admit i look dumb(thanks to that koky)
smoothening your ruffled up hair
4:47 AM <3

smoothening your ruffled up hair
4:44 AM <3
on Friday, August 25, 2006
i had so much fun today.
i love changi beach.
not because of the beach, but because i could see air planes from there!
its a clear, big and direct view.

caught this with my phone.
it looks like some toy plane, but hey. its a REAL plane ok.
look carefully. you'll see the flag of some country.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXY2PNB-xC0and this is the link for the plane flying across.
it looks really small from far, but u can see that it is still a plane yea.
i'm jus holding a normal phone.
not some super good and chio phone like the nokia N73 where such good videos and photos can be taken. so yea, BEAR WITH IT. haha.
oh, and we went to eat wanton mee!
yes, its wanton mee.
haha. quite nice lah.
but i wasn't hungry. lol.
anyway, check out this link for somethi stupid. but funny.
koky is the creater.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
9:40 PM <3
on Friday, August 18, 2006
love bears all things believes all things
love hopes all things endures all things
1 corinthians 4-8
love never ends.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
11:09 PM <3
on Friday, August 04, 2006
i can't wait for ndp.
not the one at the national stadium, but the one is school!
its gonna be so happening.
oh, and i love the pom poms.
way to go choir!!
love you guys LOTS.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:46 PM <3