on Monday, September 27, 2004
aiyer.. so sianz. sianzation. now in com lap slack. wahahah. the thg we should do le do finish le. so wu liao. -.- haiz.. i dono wad to type.. haha. dun type already la. bye. **lame**
smoothening your ruffled up hair
1:01 PM <3
on Friday, September 24, 2004
well today.. on the way for sectional.. met jolin and christina. they told chu and me that on the board got pple write me, chu, su huix, jolin, yee jean, lilian, gek mun, jiexi sucks. and some other words. chu so damn angry. we suspect is that person wrote de but no prove so dun mention names ba. that person should know best who u r la. think is more than 1 person. if not mistakes, its 2 pple. than on the board got some other words loh. nth much de la. than chris bought 2 boxes of cookies from the girl guides. than jus now 8 went to zzz le. ard 11 than woke up. haha. later go back slp ba. n oh yah. gor gor came. brought moon cakes xiao jin my mummy. haha. not bad sia. but in the end also ish i eat the moon cakes de larhx. wahahaha. he know i like bin pi the bought bin pi de. hehe. gor gor so gd wor. xie le. =) hehe.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:21 PM <3
on Monday, September 20, 2004
wa sia la. today tio ps twice. first is lunch with sze rui. last min say her fren lonely pei her fren. heng got jo and panda loh. second is val. nv go tuition. theresa also. bth. left me in tuition. so sad. val say she too tired. wanna zzz.. but after tuition very smart wor. wait for me outside take wskt and pay tuition fees. pro wor. theresa dunno why la. hehe. nv hear from her. **shurgs shoulder**
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:33 PM <3
on Saturday, September 18, 2004
today. woke up at ard 10.15 i think?
had a quick bathe and grab somethi to eat on the way. heng ar. nv late.
reach there met yihong, went to x box bk room first. mel late wor.
we down there dunno ish sing or scream loh. bo voice. chu qi. haha. so pek che. go there can say is fa xie ba.
went toilet. wa. dunno ish sway or wat loh. saw the 21 guys and dunno who la. haha. jus machiam nv c them walk away. wahahaha. not i dao loh. also dun really know them. humph. so whatever ba.
after the movie ask yh and mel go watch movie with kl gor, sean and his fren. dunno who la. yh ps loh. say wanna go home study. fake. humph. but b4 he went back we went to take photo la. he keep saying he kana cheated. wat sia. suan le. photos some act cute sia some face black black. -.-''
went cwp to watch garfield. that kl hor. buay tahan him. everythi he pay. giv him money he dun wan to take back. b4 the movie got some time. we went to acarde play daytona. so long nv play that car thgy le. first time play 3rd, second time 1st. funny sia. hav a feeling is they let me win de. mel even more pro. first time 1st, second time 4th. lolx. than sean n kl play the small kid the bbal. they stand at the corner take the bbal at the senor there go in go out. the score 100++ loh. mel n i down there. diao. wa. we can go choose thg to change for the tickets le. we wan sweet but hor the machine dunno isit dun like us. no even a single ticket came out. wat sia.
went to buy food. kl also wan to pay. mel and i down there -.-''. we dun wan order together with him. or else also he pay again. arg. this brudder hor.
garfield...kinda funny and cute larhx. abt this cat and his owner, john. very close de wor. everythi ish abt garfield than came along this dog, odei. [dunno spell correct mahx] after that, odei became so called first in john's eyes le. than garfield jelez la. hate odei. whole day buwee him. but odei treat him so gd wor. garfield kana chased out of the house. odei went to pei him but he fan er went back to the house thru the small door and lock odei out. odei puppy mahx so whaever he c passing by he chase. chase until lost. but heng la. got one kind old lady found him and made posters telling odei was found. contact so and so. than got this crock. dunno happy wat la the name. he wanted odei to act in his show, cox odei smart and got that gong face. but he really ish a crock wor. he use this 200voltage the collar belt to make odei do stuns loh. creap. but heng. garfield went to resuce him and saw everythi. that fat lazy cat actually made his way there after so many atemps. step out of the house few steps went back to eat again. bth. garfield together with the help of some animals managed to resuce odei. put the collar on the croock instead than shock the crock wor. wahahah. huo gai. than john and the ger he had since high sch appeared. the crock kana caught by police loh. john and his crush got together. everythi went back normal. including garfield and odei. garfield is still knocking odei off his couch as before. haha.
after that went home. kl essort me sia. than some things happened loh. that is life la. dun take it so hard. u how jialat also wun get worst than me de. mel and sean took the mrt. wahaha. they 2 so funny sia. nv tok at all then mel msg me. wahahah. at cck when mel alight, she say bye to sean, sean say bye than she zao liao. so fast. meet her daddy dunno go where. haha. confrim got ask him buy thg de she. and that straightener. wahahaha.
went home makan. wa piang. so damn full loh. still hav to eat. siao ar. wan my life. but no choice. still HAV to eat. watched tv. as usual la. crap in front of the tv. than suddenly got the urge to cut hair. dunno why. haha. mayb is perhaps cannot go some place ba. wan to go but. no point going. mel also ask me dun go. dun go better than go le and and up crying home. true. why cry for him? he's not worth my tears. thousands hav been dropped already. why waste another one on him?
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:11 PM <3
on Friday, September 17, 2004
wa. my foot dunno why so pain. dunno ish stand too long or wat. haix. whatever. today went to cwp with ah chu after sch. go buy her piano teacher de present. walk here walk there find. than saw jason and another ger. forgot her name le. =X and hor. saw this discman very chio wor. slim, shiny. c liao.. hehe. feel so much like buying. hurhur. went to buy my jue dui nan you de comics le. haha. nv late for choir larhx. in fact we were early. haha. pro hor. then for once, finally realised that sec2 got this guy shuai. so long le than i notice. *faint* hehe. but nvm. shuai loh. haha. chu and i going crazy. than this ger very bad loh. when to touch the bar at the car park than call me. humph. k lah. know u tall la. blehx. :b
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:30 PM <3
on Thursday, September 16, 2004
today. aiyer. went makan with chu, xiu, yuhan, jo, chris, justin, benjamin. but jo n justin also nv eat. the mrt came liao. haha. this part very funny. all of us got in except jo, justin n benjamin. but they also nort bad lah. actually knew we will b at LJ. cox got xiu there mahx! lolx. jue dui nan you no4 come out le. wanted to buy but no vitamin m. wahahah. sad sia. nvm. save. hurhur. saw bags. felt like buying again. hehe. =X chu bought wilber de CD. shuai dai le. then walk walk then go back le loh. ate the dunno wat banna thgy la. chris n i took bus home. wait so long for the bus. when waiting very qi ren loh. those pple hor. kept cutting into our bus the Q lane loh. even hit us. idiot. some more giv attitidue. some nia la. not all. but still.. arg. got own lane dun wan to walk, want to pass thru ours. the lane squeezy enuff liao loh. still very to cut. haix. next time dun wan to take bus le. take mrt better.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
7:56 PM <3
on Wednesday, September 15, 2004
yay! i get my blue belt le. master only brought one belt but got 3 of us loh. mer, qz n me. only one person can take then both of them let me go n take. cox me youngest. =P wahahaha. so happy wor. hehe. thanks wor. mer n qz. u guys will get urs next wk de la. =) than like that loh. nth much la. train pattern, kick. normal stuffs la. sparr with mer n qz. qz some more block my kick with 2 hands sia. then got blue black. sobx. ='( oh yah. chris took mer hp take moi photo with the blue belt. wahahaha. gek si mer. =X
smoothening your ruffled up hair
7:51 PM <3
on Saturday, September 11, 2004
mummy today feeling better le.. the headache's gone.. **glad** she also stopped throwing out the food she ate le.. can eat normally le.. in short, she's much better.. haha.. ytd whole face so pale. today much better can even c shuai ge with me..wahahaha.. some more say toro and yamapi yandao. wahahaha. she like that much better. wooot. weeeet. tml jus stay at home let her rest more ba. mummy feeling gd.. which is great but i dunno why i feel so sad.. or should i say depressed? over wat? i dunno. him? had this werid 'dream' which seemed so real. or was it even a dream? mayb it was a fact or it might jus b a dream. i dunno. but dream or reality its none of my business after all.. so why bother so much? it wun do me any gd. that 'dream' is abt him now since he's out of my life why should i bother? logical? haha. **shrugs shoulder**
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:22 PM <3
on Friday, September 10, 2004
yawn.. tired sia.. mummy the operation over le.. ytd morning realised she not enuff blood then doc giv her blood after that go on drip on bottle of dunno wat then went in for the op at 2. daddy and i went to walk chinatown. wat sia. boring man. ard 3.30 like that went back to SGH. mummy haven come out then daddy and i went makan. eat finish liao she still haven come out we sit there wait like baichi. ard 5 then she came out. doc wan her to stay for observations. then i tawn in the hospital with her. godpa, godma, ahyi, uncle, those disiao cousin all came to visit her. haha. kinda funny them. crap as usual. din get to slp well. then today whole day feel like dozing off. in the morning mummy still kinda ok. can eat. but ard late morning start to hav headache le. nurse gav her pandol.. but like no effect. afternoon like that she threw up. then take another dose of panadol n went to slp but still no effect. in the car, she felt like throwing up. daddy stop the car at the side she dun wan. say wan to go home then daddy speed home. once reach home she threw up again. haix. ate some food, medicine then went to slp le. doc say is the after the op those medicine make her hav headache and all throw throwing up de. tonight actually can go n c the 933 awards de. got free tickets. but hav to take care of mummy so nv go le. haix. nvm la. tml watch tv de loh. haha.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:41 PM <3
on Wednesday, September 08, 2004
well.. me now wan to write wat was the movies abt.. haha.. first..
13 going on 30..
this show.. abt this ger jenna who wished she was 30... then on her 13th bd her guy-fren matt gav her this doll house with wishing dust.. the wishing dust said that only those who really wan that dream would come true. then he poured the wishing dust over the doll house le.. who knows at the time those gers from her sch came.. those very bitchy and 'cool' ones. then she jus put the doll house inside the store room.. the gers say wanted to play the game '7 minutes in heaven' [if i nv remember wrongly].. this game the ger will go into the room and the guy will go inside the room for 7 mins and do anythi with her for 7 mins.. and they lied to her that the guy whom she has a crush on would go in first but they left then matt blur blur dunno anythi went in.. she got so angry pushed him out and wished that she was 30 and the wishing dust fell on her le lohx.. next day she woke up she was 30. she got the shocked of her life man.. everybody else grew up and knew wat was going on but she did not know anythi.. she was totally another person. she had her dream job, editor of her fav magazine when she was young. poise magazine. a beautiful and sucessful women but she 'betrayed' her own company. had this very guai lan bf whose crazy for sex only. gross. she din tok to her parents. had back stabbers 'frenz'..her life was practically hay wire. she got frightened by the kisses, men, marriage and her back stabers frenz. she realised that she broke up her frenship with matt. she felt totally horrible but she found him again, got in contact and she found that she was in love with him. worst part, matt was engaged. on his wedding day, she went to look for him told him that she loves him. matt loves her too but he was marrying another women. matt gave her the doll house which he gave it to her on her 13th bd. he spent 3 weeks building it. [cried here] it still had wishing dust on it.. she went to the backyard and cried. she wished that she was back at 13. the wind blew and the wishing dust fell on her once more. she found herself back in the store room.. then she lived all the way to 30yrs old again.. this time she was very happy.. she got wat she wanted and married the guy she loved and lived happily ever after. [cried. kinda touching]she was a nice person this time. not the terrible one b4.. **the end**
this story is so much like a fairytale.. u get to go all the way when u r 30 and back to 13 again.. so fantasy... why only movies hav such great endings and not in real life?
okie.. now for the other movie.. i dunno why but i jus wish that i could be like her.. get my prince charming.. cried more in this movie.. was like so touching.. fairytales dun come true only dreams do.. hillary duff said this but to me in this movie, both her dream and fairytale came true. but that's only for her. in my life, both dun come true.
our cinderella.. samantha had a dad who was a best fren. her mon passed away when she was very young. she had great pple around her whom she was very pleased off. then along came this lady, fiona her bad thought that she might need another mother. he married her. she moved in with them along with her 2 elder twin daughters. on the wedding day, when they were taking photos, her stepmom dropped her flower by purpose, samantha bent down to pick it up and was left out in the photo. life for her was still all right when her dad was around but when her dad passed away during an earthquake, her life turned horrible. her stepmom got everythi bcox her dad did not leave a will and she was treated jus like a servant and even had to live in the artic. jus like the disney cinderella. she got to meet this guy online..nomad [his nick].. he was actaully the football team captian in their sch.. austin ames.. he is totally a different guy from wat he seems he is and wat he is inside. he had this hot and pretty cheer leader gf but he dun love or like her. he is not fooling with her. he wanted to break up with her but she was the one who did not wan to admit the fact. her nick was princetongirl online. they msg and all that. those sweet sweet words.. poems.. tian yan mi yu.. austin wanted to meet samantha during the halloween party but samantha had problems going to the ball.. her stepmom wanted her to work.. but thanks to the great frenz she had around her.. she managed to go but she had to return by midnight.. it was better then nothi afterall right.. she went as a princess but with a mask escorted by the fren[cannot remember wat name le].. princess cinderella.. she was totally gorgerous.. everybody stared at her.. she went to the centre of the ballroom where she was supposed to be meet nomad.. she got a shock to know that her cyber guy was actually austin ames.. the most popular guy in sch..he came as prince charming. gosh. he is totally handsome and swave. she said that this was all a mistake.. but austin did not let her go like that. he tok to her and was allowed to ask her 10 questions to guess who she was. one of them was if she was disappointed to see that austin was nomad.. and she said surprising no. they went out for a walk. felt so touching here but nv cry.. jus felt as if i was in fantasy.. austin tried to kiss her but she resisted it. then her hp the alarm rang.. 12midnight.. she had to go.. on the way out she dropped her hp.. close shave.. she met her stepmom and her stepsisters on the way back to her workplace where her stepmon and sis actually rushed to find her.. luckily she was there.. or else hor. dunno wat is going to happen. austin was totally in love with her.. he put up posters everywhere in school to find out who is she.. and asked them to contact him if anyone knows. so sweet of austin.. her fren told her to tell austin that cinderella was actually her but she did not.. she got a shocked when she saw wat he was doing in school.. they had somethi in common which was they had to take orders from other pple.. austin was his dad who hap already planned austin's future for him not knowing even if austin liked it.. sam was her stepmom.. constantly ordering them around.. sam tried to hint to austin that she was the one in vain.. so sad.. austin was totally desperate to find cinderella loh.. then cinderella's 2 stepsisters very the K-P-O loh.. they found out that sam was cinderella, went to read her mail.. all those love msgs austin send her and went to fake that they were samanatha loh.. bitch but luckily austin knew that it was not them.. austin said that cinderella dropped somethi on her way out and wat was it. both of them got it wrong. so hurhur. too bad soo sad. then after they realised that they could not get austin they decide to go and find austin's 'hot' gf and tell her everythi but of cox they added a lot of salt and pepper. all lies. duhx. isn't it obvious? then on the day of the school's football final match, the cheer team [of cox austin's 'hot' gf was there] and samantha's 2 stepsistas put up a skit. they told everybody there the entire story and even said that princetongirl was samantha. sam cried. they were so guo fen. how can they do such a thg. watch le also feel like hoot-ing that idiotic cheerleader and the 2 sickening sisters. sam ran away. jus b4 the match, sam went to the guys' locker to look for austin and told him that
'i can't wait for you. waiting for u is like waiting for rain in a drought. it is hopeless and disappointing.' it was so sad. i couldn't hold on to my tears. i cried. samantha also went out crying. thank god she her gd pal [the guy whom esscorted her to the party] came and comfort her and asked her if she still wanted to watch the match. she told him if she din go who was going to explain the match to him. haha. so she went. the guys were losing.they could hav won but austin wasn't in the mood of playing at all. the entire school was practicalyl cheering for austin hoping that he will help the school to win. samantha couldn't watch on and she left. on the way, austin saw her leaving, said sorry to his team mates and ran off. his dad and coached tried to stopped him. his dad even said that if he leave the match like this, his future and dream would b ruin. austin said that that wasn't his dream in the first place. it was his dad and ran off to find samantha. he told samantha that 'i'm sorry to let u let u wait for the rain to come.' and they kissed.. aww.. that was so so so touching! tears of being touched jus came flowing down.. haha.. and u know wat? as they kissed, a rain drop fell on austin's cheeks.. and down came a heavy downpour. in normal movies, rain was a sad sight but for this. it is full of love. wahahah. they won the match in the end. the 'hot' cheerleader was freaking mad. oh yah. one more thg. samantha found out there was actually a will left by her dad and everythi was supposed to b left for her and not her step mom! samantha got the house, the resturtant [restored it to its original], all those workers who quited came back and sold the car for her collage fees. [she made it into princeton university together with austin!!! omg!!!] as for fiona and her 2 daughters.. ha! they had to work in the resturant to so call pay off. haha.. can't u jus imagine it? wahahaha! so funny! the sight of them cleaning and scrubbing and crushing all onto each other.. wahahah. austin'dad finally got everthi cleared. he know wat was best for austin and his car washing comanpy now. ahahaha. and not forgetting austin and cinderella.. they lived happily ever after.. [duhx] they sat the same car, samantha's car and she driving. **the end**
wa.. the movie i wrote until so long.. but really.. it was a great movie. hillart mentioned in the movie that 'fairytales dun come true but dreams do'. but to me, both came true for her. it was a dream to be free off fiona and to meet her prince charming. she really did. it was a fairytale and a dream. isn't it good for her? if only our lives were like that. it was such a real fantasy. a fantasy which seemed so true. for me, a dream is always a dream. it will never come true. haix. cinderella's fate is my dream..
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:30 PM <3
today early in the morning 8am went to sch do the storm project.. not bad la. got some chen jiu.. wahahha... but haven finish so c how loh.. c when do again.. sat? haha.. then bei lai su hui n val got npcc de they naughty.. pon.. hurhur.. then hid here hid there in the end then know not compulsary.. chey.. wahahaha. saw her sir. blur blur gong gong de. hur. whatever. not my prob =X after the thg went to lot1. and FINALLY took a pic with val!!! wahahahaha! the
FIRST one loh. so cute sia the photo. wahahaha. went library wan find bk to do the book adventures but sianz1/2 so in the end nv borrow also. went jean jip find mel. she doing her rebonding sia. hurhur. then chirst pei her we went makan at long john. eat for fun de. 3 pple share 1. then the aunty blur blur nv giv me my change. lolx. then went su huix's hse. wa. we crap so much.
LOVE her bed loh. king koil. wahahhaha. so comfortable. almost fell aslp. did hw then we tok qiao qiao hua. luff till siao. we also look at pics.. ENERGY de wor.. so shuai.. kunda young that time sooo.. CUTE.. milk look so much like him.. then toro got his own personal de.. so shuai so cute.. buay tahan.. then we realised toro got tummy!!! so cute.. the pics can c his tummy fats.. wahahah.. so cute!!! then we also look at ah su's pri photo.. ehehe.. so cute. so many pple cry. wahaha. all eyes red red de and also saw our last yr the photo. a lot of changes loh. and i din realised that my hair was
SO LONG. can even put my ponytail in front when it is tied up loh. now also cannot le. wen zheng last time chubby chubby de. jo last time no fringde de. sx last time look so gong. wahahaha. then on the way back the ah su and ah chu dunno say wat thg make me blur til buay tahan. dunno wat tonight, tml? =/ wat were u guys saying?!?! but nvm. i jus made ah chu blur afterall.. wahahaha.. i rox i rulez... **michelle's world** =P
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:26 PM <3
on Tuesday, September 07, 2004
wahahaha. i'm BROKE AGAIN. today b4 choir went to take photo with ah chu. saw grace then she went choir with us. after choir went shopping at junction 8. and hurhur. broke AGAIN. bought a bag, dunno how many pairs of earing.. haix. standered. then dunno still got wat liao la. forget. stm. hurhur.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:20 PM <3
on Saturday, September 04, 2004
jus came home. today went out for a mini movie marathon with mel chan aka ah yi and chris at cine. watched 13 going on 30 and cinderella. not bad for both shows but cinderella was better. very touching. both cried abit. haha. dun ask me why. i jus cried. esp cinderella. will write the 'review' some day. went to shop for bags in vain. got design but no colour. hurhur. few also like that. mel wanted to shop for clothes n rubber bands also nv get to shop for. haha. took photos. haha. look so funny. and we managed to get chris to smile or else we wanted to take out our slippers n hoot her liao. haha. when to makan scotts. mel's idea. but i nv eat la. was wanted home for soup. hurhur. -.-'' after that went to nee soon east to take a peek at traning. heng ar. master nv come. but i felt burning hot when i reached there. saw him. everythi came back again. i jus can't forget him, its been so long already. why is god doing this to me? chris went lot1 and i went back. took the quiet way back. cried. and who knows. met my cousin. hurhur. great time. but he was very nice and accompined me. called my daddy told him he met me then wanna go eat supper. but he pei me instead. went to the play ground cried. he was very nice to tok to me and let me cry on him till his shirt was like wet. i dunno why. i jus cried. once i c him already felt xin suan but i managed to hold it until i was alone. but when i saw my cousin i let it totally let it out. i still miss him. almost a yr le. i still miss him, i still luv him. haix. perhaps we r you yuan wu fen ba. sebast gor. thanks for today and sorry for making ur shirt wet.
**waiting for you iits like waiting for rain in a drought. its hopeless and disappointing.** [cinderella samantha said to austin prince charming]
**i'm late for reality** [am i really late? can i dun leave this dreamland or should i say fairytale where i can still dream of him?]
**fairytales dun come true but dreams do in cinderella's world. but for me. both dun come true**
**i'm sorry i let you wait for the rain to come** [austin prince charming said to cinderella samantha]
**never let the fear of striking out keep the faith from playing the game.**
Can i be like cinderella samantha one day to have the one i love? can i...? will i b able to...? do dreams come true?
smoothening your ruffled up hair
10:00 PM <3
on Friday, September 03, 2004
today got report card and it sucks. tui pu alot. so sad. history fail. eng standered also horrible liao. dunno wat the hell happened. then today after take the report card liao sianz sianz de. feel like going some where n fa xie or jus go home n slp dun care abt anythi but can't. mus do dnt, mus go for choir. sickening. some more ah chu n ni-ke-le ps. go ngee agnn poly. tml going for movie with mel n chris. dunno how yet. mummy ish say can go but. is bcox haven show her the report card. if show liao she confrim face black black. then everythi go down the drain le. then if let daddy know liao he will wan me go n aus take the exams again. wat am i going to do? this is so sadistic. i really dunno wat is gonna happen next. as for now, jus try to relax and enjoy as much as possible. so stress so sad also no use. no one knows. its jus you.. you... you one and only. forget everythi n learnt to enjoy now should b my pharse now ba.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:24 PM <3
on Thursday, September 02, 2004
wat sia. seems that some ignortant fool is poulluting suhuix's blog. bu zhi liang li sia. humph but nvm, dun let these type of pple spoil our mood sia. haha. yum yum. today eat until so full sia. went ngee agnn poly. wa. the food there rocks. cheap n gd. actually ish go there find val they all de. got bio tech fair but i end up eating there la. hehe. lemon chicken rice, honeydew sago and a pancake, best of all everythi is less then 4 bucks. omg. there u c pple with laptops every where loh. so cool. me machiam come from kampong de when go there. hurhur. so paishezz. haha. well, was kinda fun there, eating all the food. yum yum. best of all.
WE PON TKD. hehe.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
7:28 PM <3
on Wednesday, September 01, 2004
hehe.. jus now went to play badminton with su huix, chris n su huix's fren, benjamin at the stadium there. su huix's fren so damn tall loh. 185. siao. dunno eat wat grow up de. stand beside him the zi bei gan so damn strong. his bag n mp3 player also so damn cool. buay tahan. he su huix's de pri fren. tall sia. argg.. **jelez** wahahaha. play until so siao. chris n benjamin play until so hiong. keep smacking, running ard. say not tired ish fake de. tml confrim mussle ache again. heng tml no nd to go tkd ar. pon. waahahah.. kelian de chris still hav to go. =X they play su hui n i stand there can liao. they can take over the entire game. haha. somemore ours ish not proper court. all tio book le. we stand one side n play. so paisehz but nvm la. fun after all. then we jus take turns n play loh. i stand there nv move then su huix, panda so pek chek ask me can move or not. haha. then su huix called val gek her. wahahha. their essential oil got cop. but nvm. next yr jia you. hurhur. tml can go NP disiao them .wahahha. play tio so siao. hw somemore haven do. die liao. haha. i so jelez lehx. why su hui fren so tall!?!? why his mp3 so cool? why is bag so chio de? haix. go makan liao la. **WO BU SHI TA** --> familar gers? haha.
smoothening your ruffled up hair
8:16 PM <3